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National Survey for Scotland's Museums & Galleries

An adult with medium-light skin, dark long hair in a ponytail and a wearing a yellow jacket looks at a stone engraving of a bull, carved with red paint


The National Survey for Scotland’s Museums and Galleries was commissioned by Museums Galleries Scotland (MGS) and conducted by DC Research in mid-2022, to gather essential information about the museums and galleries sector in Scotland.  

This was the first sector-wide survey of this scale in twenty years. It provides us with a baseline of sector priorities and needs.   

Given the huge scale of economic and social change over the last few years, this has been an important exercise in determining what support is needed to ensure the future sustainability, relevance, and success of museums and galleries in Scotland.  

The findings from this survey will help to inform how we, as a sector, deliver the strategy for Scotland’s museums and galleries and will also help us to mark progress against the strategy’s priority areas. MGS will explore the survey results in more detail to draw out learnings and opportunities. This will help us to be more targeted with our support, to help museums deliver the strategy. It will also provide us with data to advocate for and raise the profile of the sector. 

Key findings against the three strands of the strategy:




Download the full report
Survey of Scotland's Museums and Galleries Executive summary
(PDF, 470 KB)
Survey of Scotland's Museums and Galleries Final report
(PDF, 2 MB)
Full survey (questions) of Scotland's Museums and Galleries Sector
(PDF, 587 KB)