Current & past projects
Delivering Change
Delivering Change is a three-year programme, which supports museums and galleries across Scotland to make changes to help all people to access culture.
Empire, Slavery & Scotland's Museums
The Empire, Slavery, and Scotland's Museums project, sponsored by the Scottish Government, developed recommendations on how Scotland’s involvement in empire, colonialism, and historic slavery can be addressed using museum collections and museum spaces.
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in Scottish Heritage
The Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in Scottish Heritage (EDISH) AHRC-funded partnership project embedded better working and engagement practices and policies across the Scottish heritage sector.
Forum Connections: Building Capacity for Scotland's Museums Forums
Forum Connections was a 4-year project, funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF), to encourage greater partnership working in Scottish museums through investment in Scotland’s geographic forums.
Improving Access
The Improving Access project is a six-month exploration to understand how we can improve access to the heritage sector’s workforce and understand the current barriers. The project was made possible by funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund and Young Foundation’s Heritage Innovation Fund.
Surviving to Thriving: Supporting Sustainable Scottish Heritage Businesses
The Business Support Programme, ‘Surviving to Thriving’ was funded by The National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) and developed by MGS, Built Environment Forum Scotland, and greenspace scotland to support heritage organisations in Scotland to develop sustainable business models.
Workforce for the Future
The Workforce for the Future projects are run in collaboration with Developing the Young Workforce (DYW). Pupils work with their local museum to deliver a resource, demystify careers in the sector, and increase their employability skills.
Workforce for the Future: Primary Schools
Workforce for the Future, funded by Art Fund uses a tailored approach to partnership working between museums and galleries, schools in areas of higher deprivation and Developing the Young Workforce (DYW). They work together to help develop employability skills, provide vocational learning, and explore other positive pathways, more specifically within the heritage sector.
Workforce for the Future: Secondary Schools
This project is in collaboration with Developing the Young Workforce (DYW). S1/ S2 Pupils are working to deliver a resource in a local museum, learn about the diversity of job roles in the sector, and increase their employability skills.