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Delivering Change is a collective effort between Museums Galleries Scotland (MGS) and partnering museums, galleries, and community groups to restructure as organisations based on anti-oppressive principles.

It has been developed by MGS and an Expert Advisory Group, who have lived and professional experience of barriers to participation in culture. It’s funded by The National Lottery Heritage Fund, thanks to National Lottery players, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, and the Scottish Government. The programme has ongoing evaluation by Ikake Rising.

Introduction to the Delivering Change programme. For closed captions please click 'CC' along the bottom of the video.

During the research for the Delivering Change Development Phase, we were told by museums, galleries, and communities that Scotland’s museums continue to be unrepresentative of Scottish society or unequal in terms of:  

The research also showed that there is a strong will within communities and the museum sector to improve access to culture, but they’re facing multiple challenges when putting it into action.

Delivering Change will take a flexible approach to supporting museums and communities to improve access to culture through:  

  1. Anti-oppression work for MGS, museums & community groups
  2. Building relationships based on solidarity with systemically excluded communities
  3. Re-structuring as organisations based on anti-oppressive principles 

Programme information

There are four strands to the Delivering Change programme. Our flow chart infographic explains how the strands interlink with each other. Find out more about the three strands by clicking the links below:

  Museum Activists  

  Museum Transformers  

  Community Catalysts  

  Sustainable Co-production Fund  


Get In Touch

Contact us if you have any questions about the programme.

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The National Lottery Heritage Fund Logo and the words "Taing dhan A' Mhaoin-Dualchais | Made possible with Heritage Fund".
Scotland's national flag of a saltire next to black and grey text in English and Gaelic. Text "Scottish Government Riaghaltas na h-Alba".
Black text "Esmée Fairbairn Foundation" on a white background with white "ef" above text in pink circle.