Our response to the Scottish Government’s National Adaptation Plan 2024-2029

Museums Galleries Scotland and the Museums Association recently submitted a joint response to a consultation on the Scottish Government’s National Adaptation Plan 2024-2029.
The Scottish Government’s National Adaptation Plan looks to how Scotland should not only take steps to reduce emissions but also adapt to a changing climate. This includes biodiversity, economy, culture, and community.
We were pleased to see that the draft plan highlighted how museums and galleries have taken action to tackle the climate crisis. Following our submission to the consultation, we anticipate that the final plan will contain robust Scottish Government support for the museum sector as we adapt to the climate emergency.
In consultation with the Scottish Museums Climate Network, the Museums Association and Museums Galleries Scotland have included the following in our response:
- The need for more cross-sector support (for example, with public transport and active travel routes outwith cities, and wellbeing and nature programming supported by health)
- Highlighting existing collaborative resources such as the Scottish Museums Climate Network, museums and heritage geographic forums, the work of the Scottish Communities Climate Action Network to support museums to engage their communities in climate conversations, and the Climate Hebrides mapping tool.
- The need for robust culture-specific funding for climate and biodiversity work and for the adaptation and repair of buildings due to extreme weather events and the need for planning laws to align with this.
- The need for stronger funding links between the private sector and museums but with caution around greenwashing and ensuring the reputations and ethics of museums are not compromised.
- The need to reduce barriers to accessing climate information, funding, and advice.
- The need for a focus on Just Transition, taking a fully inclusive approach to shifting to a green economy and the role that museums can play within this and taking lessons from past industrial shifts.
It’s our ambition that our advocacy on behalf of the sector will ensure that museums and galleries are empowered to play a key role in Scotland’s response to the climate crisis.