The UK Museum Accreditation Scheme
The Museum Accreditation Scheme is the UK industry standard for museums and galleries. It ensures all museums within the scheme are resilient, well governed organisations that meet an agreed upon set of standards.
About the Scheme
The scheme works for museums of all sizes: from volunteer-run museums to national museums. There are 257 Accredited museums in Scotland.
To achieve Accreditation, a museum must meet requirements on:
- how it is governed and managed
- how it cares for and manages its collections
- the information and services it offers to museum users
Museums Galleries Scotland is the assessing organisation for museums in Scotland. The Accreditation Scheme is managed as a partnership between:
- Arts Council England
- Museums Galleries Scotland
- Northern Ireland Museums Council
- Llywadwodraeth Cymru – Welsh Government
The Accreditation Standard was published in 2018/2019 following a review. The associated guidance was updated in 2024 .
Benefits of Accreditation
Achieving the Accreditation standard has many benefits for a museum and has helped museums to:
- improve planning skills
- assess achievements
- improve morale
- raise awareness to stakeholders
- attract financial support from external sources
- show their fitness to receive sponsorship and donations
If your museum is already Accredited and you are looking for your next return date, please see our Accreditation returns schedule.
How Accreditation could work for your museum
Dr Alix Powers-Jones, Property Manager at Hugh Miller’s Birthplace and Museum, passed away in July 2023. Alix was passionate about the work of museums and a dedicated supporter to many museum colleagues starting their journey towards the Accreditation Standard. This recording of Alix in 2020 is a wonderful reminder of the enthusiasm she held for the work of the heritage sector in Scotland.