Inspiring fundraising toolkit
This interactive toolkit is designed to support you develop fundraising for your organisation. It’s full of advice, covering everything from crowdfunding to legacies and from writing a case for support to creating a charitable trust.
The toolkit was compiled through the Resourcing Scotland’s Heritage programme which ran for four years and came to an end in 2018. Funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, Culture & Business Scotland, Archaeology Scotland, Built Environment Scotland, greenspace Scotland and Museums Galleries Scotland worked together to develop a programme to provide fundraising training to a wide range of heritage organisations throughout Scotland. This toolkit captures all of the key learning and resources from that programme.
About the programme partners
Culture & Business Scotland
Culture & Business Scotland is dedicated to developing sustainable and dynamic relationships between the public and private sectors for the benefit of the Scottish Creative Community. They deliver training in areas such as sponsorship, board development and sustainability to supports cultural heritage organisations to build their capacity.
Archaeology Scotland
Archaeology Scotland is the leading independent charity working to inspire communities, amateurs and professionals discover, explore and enjoy the past. They collaborate with individuals, community groups, young people and archaeologists from all walks of life to explore, conserve, record and celebrate our local and national heritage.
Built Environment Forum Scotland
Built Environment Forum Scotland (BEFS) brings together professional and voluntary non-governmental organisations under one umbrella to influence strategic policy relating to the protection, management and enhancement of Scotland’s built environment. Represented within BEFS membership includes the interests of historic environment organisations from large players such as the National Trust for Scotland to small bodies such as the Architectural Heritage Society for Scotland.
Greenspace Scotland
greenspace Scotland is a social enterprise and an independent charitable company. It works with over 140 national and local partners to improve the quality of life of people living and working in urban Scotland through the planning, development and sustainable management of parks and greenspaces. Its goal is that everyone living and working in urban Scotland has easy access to quality greenspaces that meet local needs and improve their quality of life.
Museums Galleries Scotland
Museums Galleries Scotland (MGS) is the strategic development body for museums and galleries in Scotland. It acts as the representative for Scotland’s museums and galleries, custodians of Scotland’s rich and diverse history and centres of community life and engagement, which offer unique and personal experiences to visitors. We promote the sector’s work to the Scottish Government, stakeholders and the public and advocates the public value and contribution of museums and galleries to society.