About Us
Museums Galleries Scotland (MGS) is the National Development Body for Scotland’s museum sector. We support museums and galleries through strategic investment, advice, workforce development and advocacy.

We are the lead body for the delivery of Scotland’s Museums and Galleries Strategy 2023-2030. Written with, and for, all of Scotland’s museums and galleries, the creation of the strategy has been a joint endeavour. This shared ownership will continue into the delivery of the strategy.
As an independent charity we receive core funding from Scottish Government, which also provides funding to be distributed via grants directly to the museums and galleries sector. Our impact is enhanced by project-based funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, Art Fund and People’s Postcode Trust.
We are governed by a Board of Trustees.
MGS is a values-led organisation, committed to the ongoing development of a positive culture for its people. Success for MGS is not only dependent on outcomes but the brave choices we feel enabled to make. The commitment of our team is directly attributable to the impact we can deliver, in our supporting role of the museum sector.
Find out more about ‘How we work’.