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Scotland’s Museums and Galleries Strategy

Find everything you need to know about the structure of the strategy and the delivery of its aims.  This hub page also offers access to films, case studies, and further guidance on the strategy.

A celtic knot with three strands, each in a different colour. The pink strand contains the word "Resilience": next to this are three pink text boxes with the words "Financial Resilience", "Climate Action", and "Collaboration". The blue strand contains the work "Workforce": next to this are three blue text boxes with the words "Fair Work", "Diversity", and "Skills & Confidence". The green strand contains the word "Connection": next to this are four green text boxes with the words "Inclusion", "health & Wellbeing", "Education", and "Place".

Get to know the strategy

Watch the animation
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This infographic shows the three interlinking strands and ten priority areas of the strategy. Watch the short animation for a simple guide to the structure of the strategy and the delivery of its aims.

Read the strategy

This is where you can read the full strategy for Scotland’s museums and galleries. Organised into three strands – Connection, Resilience, and Workforce – the strategy identifies key outcomes and the steps we can all take to achieve them.

A teenager with medium-light skin and long brown hair, a teenager with medium-dark skin and short brown hair, and a teenager with light skin and long red hair stand in front of a display of bicycles. The teenager with medium-dark skin points up at the ceiling and smiles.

Deliver the strategy

From here, you can access information on each of the three strands of the strategy, including details of the priority areas, outcomes, and actions for the museum sector and MGS. Each page also highlights guidance and opportunities to help in the delivery of the strategy.

A three strand celtic knot with pink, green and blue for each strand. The pink strand has the word Resilience in white, the blue strand has Workforce in white and the green strand has Connection in white.
Download relevant strategy documents here.
The Strategy Poster
(PDF, 197 KB)
The Strategy
(DOCX, 308 KB)

Ten Years of Going Further

Scotland’s museums and galleries strategy builds on the work of ‘Going Further’, the national strategy for 2012 to 2022.

Watch the interviews in our online advocacy piece to find out how Scotland’s museums and galleries achieved the aims of the first national strategy.

An adult with light skin pulling open a vertical metal rack in a collections store. Several framed paintings are hanging from the rack.